
1. Congratulations on winning the "Most Vacant Stare" award.
2. If ignorance is bliss, you must be ecstatic.
3. I would try to explain it to you, but I have a better chance with a brick wall.
4. It's too bad stupidity isn't painful, otherwise you would've learned your lesson a long time ago.
5. I would give you a piece of my mind, but I think I'd be wasting my breath.
6. It's a shame you can't donate brain cells, or you'd be a billionaire.
7. You seem to have lost your marbles, but don't worry, you probably didn't need them anyway.
8. I'm surprised you haven't forgotten how to breathe.
9. Who needs critical thinking skills when you have a blank stare?
10. You must have an IQ lower than a drop of dew.
11. It's like talking to a brick wall, only less interesting.
12. Congratulations on being a walking advertisement for the importance of education.
13. If you're going to be ignorant, at least be ignorant in silence.
14. You're like a black hole of intellect, sucking in all the knowledge and never letting it out.
15. I can see why they call it "dumbing down" now.
16. Your mind is like a swamp: full of murky, stagnant water.
17. You couldn't think outside of the box if the box was open on both ends.
18. You should really look into getting a lobotomy, I hear it's all the rage.
19. I would call you a Neanderthal, but that would be an insult to Neanderthals.
20. You couldn't find your way out of a paper bag, could you?
21. Let me know if you ever want to borrow a brain cell, I have a few to spare.
22. You're like a broken clock, right twice a day but mostly just useless.
23. I'm not sure what's more empty, your head or the Grand Canyon.
24. You're like a bottomless pit of cluelessness.
25. I'm starting to think intelligence is more rare than I thought, thanks for confirming that theory.
26. You couldn't think your way out of a wet paper bag.
27. You must be a master of the "duh" face.
28. You're like a puzzle with only one piece missing, but that piece happens to be your brain.
29. Congratulations on being a walking reminder that we should never take education for granted.
30. If there was an award for "Most Times Saying 'What?!'" you'd be a shoe-in.
31. You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a laser-guided missile.
32. You're like a self-driving car with no driver, just aimlessly going in circles.
33. I'm starting to think your brain cells are allergic to each other.
34. If you were a book, you'd be an empty journal.
35. You couldn't put two and two together if they were glued.
36. You're like a GPS without a signal, completely useless.
37. You must be the world's foremost expert on the "huh?" face.
38. You couldn't find your way out of a wet paper bag with a map and a flashlight.
39. You're like a plant without water, just wilting away.
40. I'm surprised there's any brain matter left in that skull of yours.
41. You must be a walking advertisement for the dangers of ignoring your education.
42. You couldn't find your way out of a maze with a trail of breadcrumbs.
43. You're like a computer with no software, just a bunch of wires.
44. I would say you're clueless, but that would be putting it lightly.
45. You're like a bee without a stinger, just flying aimlessly around.
46. You couldn't hit water if you fell out of a boat.
47. Congratulations on being a walking stereotype of the "dumb blonde".
48. You're like a phone with no battery, just a useless brick.
49. You must struggle to count to ten, let alone solve complex problems.
【讽刺那没脑子的人句子】50. You're like a ship lost at sea, without a compass or a map.
