
三级的译者较之七级吗并非两个价格定位,三级算不上特别难,大体上反反复复实地考察那些短语和许多韦若尔记住,基本就问题不大,以下回答一定要点赞收藏,提升你的译者分数 。
译者这个题目106.5分,而Algol填空题只有35.5分(食之无味,南杜埃县),有道是自己的确有数,在写作后,Algol填空题之前来做,先把分值高的译者拿下 。


对译者是短语、语法、结构等综合的考量 。正好他们可以通过前面的写作为他们后续的译者提供灵感,他们的确有过译者时忘记某个单字是并非写了,写作恰巧碰到过,又往前找你说耽误时间吧 。
对全篇译者,他们拿到书名后先不要急着立马开始,先勾画语句的萨温齐部份(主语+主语+宾语),然后再把润色萨温齐的成份一点一点译者插入语句当中,让语句更完备浅显 。
刺绣是我国民间文化的一类独有形式,已近2000十多年历史 。①语句分析:刺绣是(我国民间文化的)一类(独有)形式,(已近2000十多年历史) 。
②译者萨温齐:Paper-cutting is a form.
③补足文本:Paper-cutting is a unique and special form of Chinese folk art,with a history of 2,000 years.
无从发现,两个长长的语句往往提取萨温齐后都单纯的吓人,后再逐个加入关键词他们还能保证译文不偏离书名意思,同时也能保证译者文本完备不会略去许多关键润色词 。
长期以来,京杭大运河对我国的经济充分发挥了关键推动作用,不利推动了南北向地区间的相关人员来往和艺术交流 。①语句分析:(长期以来,)京杭大运河(对我国的经济)充分发挥了(关键)推动作用,(不利)推动了(南北向地区间的)相关人员来往和艺术交流 。
②译者萨温齐:The Grand Canal has played a role in development and enhanced the exchanges and communication.
润色1:长期以来:For a long time/Through the ages
关键:important/significant /vital/essential/prominent
对我国经济:in promoting the economic development of China(作伴随中心语)
润色3:南北向间的:between the northern and southern regions
润色4: 相关人员来往和艺术交流:personnel exchanges and cultural interaction(communication→interaction换用更准确的抒发)最后将语句整合起来,将词缀整理浅显:
Through the ages, it has been played a prominent role in promoting the economic development of China,greatly enhancing the personnel exchanges and cultural interaction between the northern and southern regions. 这是两个典型的长难句,但是他们也能看出,语句的萨温齐部份并无从,基础比较弱的同学只要选准了语句的萨温齐,也是能译者出来的 。译者完萨温齐部份后就选准了整个语句的主体,插入其他润色成份就单纯的多了,在插入润色成份的时候稍稍斟酌一下用词注意固定搭配或者换用更好的抒发,对许多和萨温齐并列的成份他们也可以利用主语或者非主语来合并两个部份 。
虽然故事情节的主题基于道教,但这部短篇小说采用了大量我国民间故事情节和神话的片断,缔造了各种栩栩如生的人物形象和动物形像 。A、提炼主谓结构宾
短篇小说采用了故事情节和片断和缔造了人物形象和形像 。
以下是我个人译者的三种短语,最常用的并列举+and;which非定语主语;-ing非主语动词 。1)按照并列举+and
Although the theme of the story is based on religion,the novel combines a large number of Chinese folk story with myths and creates a variety of vivid characters and animal images.2)which非限制性定语主语
Although the theme of the story is based on religion,the novel combines a large number of Chinese folk story with myths,which creates a variety of vivid characters and animal images.3)creating非主语动词
Although the theme of the story is based on religion,the novel combines a large number of Chinese folk story with myths,creating a variety of vivid characters and animal images.对比答案分析:
Although the theme of the story is based on Buddhist,the novel employs numerous Chinese folk stales and myths,creating a variety of vivid images of characters and animal images.2、同位语原则
现在的译者第一句话一般是两个总介绍 。
XX是XX,位于XX,地处XX,是XX,距离XX,建于XX年 。
虽然每一次都不一样,但其实第一句话基本是围绕这其中的2-3句展开 。
延安位于陕西省北部,地处黄河中游,是我国革命的根据地 。A、找主谓结构宾
延安是根据地 。
中游不会写,可以中部(middle part)
根据地不会,可以基础区域(base area)
主语逗号,分句作为同位语,主谓结构宾照常译者,这也是最常用的抒发 。
Yanan, located in northern Shanxi Province and in the middle part of the Yellow River, is a base area of Chinese revolution.3、同义词转换
每年四七级考试段子最多的就是译者部份,各位新时代的大学生脑洞大开将舞狮译者成Lion cosplay,改革开放译者成China open the door等等的情况,那可真是阅卷老师乏闷改卷生活的一剂快乐良药 。
如果想要通过四七级一定要提前掌握许多固定的词汇搭配 。其实三级译者的考试范围其实是固定在我国文化历史和当今社会发展问题,在平时生活中多读许多社会问题的英文外刊,无论是对三级还是七级甚至考研的译者都有很大的帮助 。
那如果在考场上遇到不会的词,他们可以巧妙的用英文去解释英文 。
[2020.9]酿造:brew=to make spirit by
[2020.12]航站楼:terminal=airport building虽然有可能抒发不够标准,但好歹意思比较准确,一定不能在考场上自己充分发挥,缔造新词 。
三、译者字词以下是我从历届专业课总结出来的 。(一)描述地理位置常用
Located in+地点
in the northwest/ southwest/ northeast/ northwest of China.3、在某地的东/西/南/北部
in the eastern/ western/ southern/ northern part of…4、A地点距离B地点多远
A is about+具体公里数away from B55、A与B的交界处
the boundary between A and B6、北起A,南至B
stretch from A in the north to B in the south 7、南北向地区间的
between northern and southern regions8、我国东部沿海地区
on the east coast of China9、在沿海地区
in the coastal areas10、沿岸
along the banks(二)常见字词和词汇
for more than/over two thousand years2、长期以来
for a long time/for a long period of time3、它的独有之处在于
It is unique since……4、有效地充分发挥着…的推动作用
sth is effective in…5、粮食产地
grain production areas/ breadbasket6、水利工程
water conservancy(project)7、体现
embody/ show8、体现了我国人民与自然和谐共存的智慧
embody the wisdom of the harmonious coexistence of our people and nature9、…始建于公元前4世纪
The construction of …was started in+时间公元前几世纪
in the 序数词 century BC公元4世纪初期
in the beginning of the 4th century 公元4世纪中期
in the middle of the 4th century 公元4世纪末期
at the end of the 4th century 10、修建之初是为了
It was first built for…11、逐渐发展成为
gradually developed into…12、…的中心
the center of…13、充分发挥了关键推动作用(扮演了关键角色)
play a key/ important/ significant/ vital role in…14、由…组成
consist of…/ be formed by15、正是(强调句)
It is +要强调部份+ that/ who等+主语16、大量
a lot of/ lots of/ a great number of/ a great amount of17、多种多样的
a variety of/ various/ diverse18、自然环境
nature resources19、生态环境
ecological environment20、人类文明
human civilization21、…产自某地
…is produced in/ …come from/ … is native to21、A与B截然不同
A is very different from B22、…对…是有益的
… is beneficial to…23、…有助于
… contribute to sth24、…有…的功效
…has the effects of (doing) sth25、赢得了…的称号
win the title of26、A取决于B
A depend on B27、生活在不同地区的人
People living in different parts of China28、占很大的比例
account for a considerable proportion of29、北方人/南方人
people in the north (south)/ the northern (southern) people/ northerners (southerners)30、…更为常见
…is/ are more common 31、四川、湖南等地的居民
residents in provinces such as Sichuan and Hunan(注意省份开头要大写)32、春节
the Spring Festival春节前夕(除夕)
on the Spring Festival Eve/ on the eve of the Spring Festival33、吃团圆饭
have the family reunion dinner34、我国人的传统
tradition for Chinese/ the tradition of China35、不仅…也是…
not only…,but also…36、…的最佳时期
the best time for…37、…尤其如此
especially/ particularly for…38、象征着
symbolize/ represent39、…据说源于我国传统文化
… is said to be derived from traditional Chinese culture40、一类值得弘扬的美德
a virtue worth promoting41、不可或缺的
indispensable/ necessary/ essential 42、据说
It is said that…43、来源于
originate from/ be derived from 44、越来越…
more and more/ increasingly 45、最有名的
the most famous/ the best well known 46、新我国成立前夕
on the eve of the founding of New China47、…被选为
…be selected/ chosen as…48、国内外消费者
consumer from/ at home and abroad,domestic and foreign consumers 49、…拥有xx年的历史
… has the history of xx years/ …has been in existence for xx years 50、来自全国各地的
from all over the country/ around the country 51、事实上
in fact、in reality、 as a matter of fact、actually 、in truth 以上就是关于三级译者的方法,但是最关键的还是词汇,脱离词汇量谈译者也是不可行的,在词汇量的基础上做译者这样离高分更进一步 。
@清玄祝点赞此篇回答的小伙伴都能过四七级 。
