懂你英语 level7 unit2,【中英对照】懂你英语 Level 2 Unit 1 Part 5

失聪ListeningThe Harris Family
This is Ben Harris.
我是Ben Harris 。
He and his family live in Toronto, Canada.
他和父母住在澳大利亚温哥华 。
Ben has an old brother, Jeff.
Ben有两个弟弟,Jeff 。
Jeff is 15 years old.
Jeff15岁 。
Ben also has a younger sister, Maggie.
Ben除了两个姐姐,Maggie 。
She is 8 years old.
她8岁 。
Maggie is younger than Ben.
Maggie比Ben小 。
This is Bens father Paul.
这是Ben的母亲Paul 。
Paul owns his own business.
Paul保有他们的科技事业 。
He owns four restaurants.
他有三家餐厅 。
They are Italian restaurants.
她们是义大利餐厅 。
His business is good.
他的营生较好 。
His business is very good.
他的营生十分好 。
So he earns a lot of money.
因此他赚了很多钱 。
They live in a very large house.
她们住在第一所十分大的新房子里 。
Its a very expensive house.
这新房子很贵 。
They have two cars.
她们有两车 。
Both cars are expensive cars.
这两车都很贵 。
Bens mother, Kathy, doesnt have a job.
Ben的母亲Kathy没组织工作 。
She takes care of their home.
她照料她们的家 。
She also takes care of their garden.
她还照料她们的长廊 。
Their garden is behind their house.
她们的长廊在新房子前面 。
She grows flowers and vegetables.
她养花和水果 。
She is also an excellent cook.
她也是个出众的大厨 。
She can cook many different kinds of food.
她能做很多相同类型的食材 。
She can cook Italian and French food.
她会做义大利和西餐 。
She can also cook Indian food.
她也会做巴基斯坦菜 。
Ben likes sports.
Ben讨厌体育运动运动 。
He wants to be a hockey player.
他想正式成为一位冰球体育运动选手 。
He doesnt like school, but he wants a sports scholarship.
他不讨厌幼儿园,但他想这份体育运动助学金 。
So he studies hard and exercises every day.
因此他每晚都勤奋学习和锻炼身体 。
Jeff doesnt like sports.
Jeff不讨厌体育运动运动 。
He wants to be a doctor.
他想当医师 。
He wants to go to a great university.
他想上第一所好理工学院 。
Maggie wants to be an actress.
Maggie想正式成为一位男演员 。
She takes dance lessons.
她上舞蹈课 。
She also likes to sing.
她也讨厌跳舞 。
She wants to be a famous movie star.
她想正式成为两个知名的电影演员 。
Its windy today.
那时有风 。
The wind is blowing.
风在吹 。
Its raining.
下雪了 。
It is raining, so take an umbrella.
天在下雪,因此带把伞吧 。
Its cloudy weather.
这是多云的天气情况 。
Its cloudy, so we cant see the sun.
天多云,因此我们看不见太阳 。
Its cold today.
那时很冷 。
Its cold, so wear a coat.
天很冷,因此穿件外套 。
烟雾 。
Its smoggy, so wear a mask.
烟雾弥漫,因此戴上面具 。
Cross a street.
穿过街道 。
They are crossing a street.
她们正在过马路 。
Look at something.
看某物 。
He is looking at a clock.
他在看钟 。
Walk through.
穿过 。
Hes walking through the doorway.
他正穿过门口 。
Run around.
到处跑 。
They are running around a track.
她们在跑道上跑 。
Go into.
进去 。
He is going into a room.
他要进两个房间 。
Come out.
出来吧 。
She is coming out of a room.
她从房间里出来了 。
Sitting on a bench.
坐在长椅上 。
Shes sitting on a bench.
她坐在长椅上 。
Standing in an elevator.
站在电梯里 。
Hes standing in an elevator.
他站在电梯里 。
Pushing the door open.
把门推开 。
Shes pushing the door open.
她正在把门推开 。
Pulling the door open.
把门拉开 。
Shes pulling the door open.
她正在把门拉开 。
Sitting at a table.
坐在桌子旁 。
Hes sitting at a table.
他正坐在一张桌子旁 。
对话DialogueBreakfast Discussion
W:Would you like to have breakfast together?
M:Sure, lets have breakfast together. Do you know a good place?
M:当然,我们一起吃早饭吧 。你知道两个好地方吗?
W:Yes, theres a nice coffee shop in the shopping center.
W:是的,购物中心有一家不错的咖啡店 。
M:Which shopping center?
W:The shopping center on First Avenue. Its near the subway stop.
W:第一大道的购物中心 。在地铁站附近 。
M:Oh, I know that one. Theres a Starbucks there too.
M:哦,我知道 。那里也有一家星巴克 。
W:Yes, there is. But I like the other shop. There are too many people at Starbucks.
W:是的,有 。但我讨厌另一家商店 。星巴克的人太多了 。
M:OK, can we get a good breakfast there?
W:I think so and its not expensive.
W:我想是的,而且不贵 。
W:What do you like for breakfast?
M:I like eggs for breakfast.
M:我早餐讨厌吃鸡蛋 。
W:Me too. They have eggs with potatoes and toast.
W:我也是 。她们有土豆蛋和吐司 。
M:Great. I like potatoes with my eggs.
M:太好了 。我讨厌土豆加鸡蛋 。
W:Do you drink coffee with your breakfast?
M:Yes, I usually have coffee with my breakfast. What about you?
M:是的,我通常在早餐时喝咖啡 。那你呢?
W:No, I dont have coffee. I usually have tea.
W:不,我没咖啡 。我通常喝茶 。
W:Is there anything else you like?
M:Yes, there is. I usually have fruit juice, like orange juice. How about you?
M:有 。我通常喝果汁,像橙汁 。你呢?
W:Me too.
W:我也是 。
M:OK. Lets go. Lets take the subway.
M:好的 。走吧 。我们坐地铁吧 。
W:Hey, wait a minute, I dont have my subway card.
W:嘿,等等,我没地铁卡 。
M:Where is it?
W:Its in my apartment, in my coat. Ill be right back.
W:在我的公寓里,在我的外套里 。我马上回来 。
M:Great, Im getting hungry.
【懂你英语 level7 unit2,【中英对照】懂你英语 Level 2 Unit 1 Part 5】M:太好了,我饿了 。
