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本周专业课简述挑选出2019年2月23日托福笔试,分别从大试题港译、箴及复习学习方案推荐三方面为他们详尽简述此场笔试 。错失那场笔试不可悲,可悲的是错失了他们的专业课简述 。

People spend a large amount of time and money on the protection of wild animals. Some people argue that they should be spent on human populations. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
发问方式:agree or disagree记叙文 , 该试题呈现了两种看法,第二种是现代人花大批天数和钱财为保护鸟类,第三种是现代人如果把大批天数和钱财花在人类文明发展上 。问同意何种看法 。看法类的记叙文需要他们在结尾段抒发出他们的态度 。
Introduction: 交待背景文本,并提出他们的态度
Body1: 宣称第三个看法的必要性即钱财应当作用在human population的商业用途
Body2: 该段为survive段,主要深入研究为保护鸟类是更重要的
Conclusion: 简单地归纳一下并再次说明他们的看法

Some people hold a positive attitude towards protecting wild animals and there are others argue that the government should spend more money on human beings. Although humans development is important, I would be convinced that we still have to emphasize on the protection of bio-diversity.
Introduction 首先导入热门话题文本,紧接著是说明他们的态度态度 。

It is widely recognized that human beings are superior to animals, thus many people believed money should be devoted into human activities like health care and education which may foster the development of human societies. For example, as the United Nations reported, billions of people in remote areas may even lack the access to clean drinking water. As a result, thousands of children are killed by diseases every year. If more budget was used for establishing sanitation service, this problem will to some extent alleviated.
该段先进行妥协预测,宣称政府如果将钱投入到身心健康或者教育这种与人类文明密切相关的抒发方式东齐县 。如今世界上有几百万人口甚至没有获得整洁水源的有效途径,所以很多的孩子由于疾病断气 。但如果更多的财政预算能用以修建身心健康服务,问题的潜在性会大大增加 。

However, we can not only focus on solving human beings problems and neglect the crucial roles that animals play in our human civilizations. Wild animals can help us maintain the balance between ecosystem and human life. For instance, if large species of birds feed on insects and rats are dying out, the farmland will be destroyed greatly for its vulnerability and the farmers who rely on these crops will lose a source of income. With no sufficient food, human beings will eventually suffer from starvation. What is more, the reason that animals are in danger is all due to human actions which aimed to promote economical development. Therefore, we should be aware of the significance of protecting wild species and take actions to prevent the extinction happening.
第3段主要表述他们看法 。然而,他们不能忽视野生鸟类也对人类文明的生存有着极大的影响 。他们能够协助维持人与自然的关系平衡 。比如一些以昆虫或老鼠为生的鸟类大批灭亡将会意味着庄稼大面积的破坏,与此同时农民会失去一项经济来源,人类文明也会面临挨饿的危机 。鸟类的灭亡会带来一系列对人类文明生活的威胁,所以他们应当重视起来对于鸟类的为保护 。

To conclude, it is true that human benefits are always given the top priority, while the government and citizens should still attach much importance to protect wildlife to maintain the ecological environment.
【雅思写作保护动物,雅思资料丨2019年2月23日动物保护类大作文解析及范文!】归纳段再简单重申一下看法及为保护鸟类的重要性 。
