英语句子成分分析,急!谢谢谢谢! 英语句子成分分析例句

【英语句子成分分析,急!谢谢谢谢! 英语句子成分分析例句】急 英语句子成分分析
英语句子成分分析 。下面的句子怎么有2个谓语(concerns,weig…
doctor advises him to 。这个to是拿来做什么成分的?还有这三句话,三句都是原主句的从句部分改了一下,不确定他们的成分,请指导一下,谢谢谢谢,急!!!all of which can be turned into useful things under certain condition 。he is willing to take on another assignment 。why he refused to help us?Q1:to做介词,在该句中to后面连接具体的动作(用动词原型)做宾语补足语,如 Doctor advises him to do physical examinationsystematically,在这句话中him 是动词advises的宾语,而建议具体干什么动作,to do physical examination是做宾语him的宾语补足语 。Q2:1,turn into 作为一个短语翻译为变成,在which从句中做谓语(句中是被动语态,被变成)后面接一个名词useful things,这个名词做表语 。2,短语be willing to,表示乐意做某事,相当于likes 。去掉to 则短语就不完整意思也不完整,因此包括to 在内的短语be willing to 在句中做谓语 。3,refuse意思就是拒绝,是个不及物动词 。具体拒绝做什么,接to do sth 。所以to help 。。。是宾语 。doctor advises him to to用来做不定式成分all of which can be turned into useful things under certain conditionwhich后是定语,under后是状语,all省略前文代指的东西,即主语,of修饰名词所有格he is willing to take on another assignment 。he是主语,is即为谓语,be willing to do愿意做某事,another修饰assignment,assignment是宾语why he refused to help us?这句话应该是从句,由疑问词引导的从句,后面应该使用陈述句式,原句为 why did he refuse to help us?he 是主语,refused 是谓语,to help表动词不定式,us 为宾语
