关于动物的趣味英语,关于宠物的趣味英语干货- 词汇、发音、文化

哈喽 。
My name is Emma, and this is my friend Gizmo, and today we are going to help you learn English.
我是Emma , 那位是我的好友Gizmo , 那时他们要协助你学英语 。
Todays English is all about dogs.
那时要教的是与小狗有关的英语 。
So, lets ask some questions to Gizmo, and we can get some answers.
让他们来问Gizmo许多难题 , 这种就能获得答疑了 。
Our first question: Do we call pets " he" , " she" , or " it" ?
What do you think, Gizmo?
你真的呢 , Gizmo?
Usually for pets we like to use " he" or " she" .
一般来说小狗他们讨厌用「他」或者「她」 。
So you might ask somebody: " Whats her name" ?
or " Whats his name" ?
when youre talking about a dog or a cat.
因而当你在聊有关猫狗的热门话题 。
We usually use " it" for wild animals, although sometimes we also use " he" and " she" if we want to personify them.
对野生鸟类 , 他们一般来说要用「它」 , 但是有这时候也要用「他」和「她」 , 假如他们想对它展开拟人 。
So, majority of the time we use " he" or " she" when were talking about pets.
因而绝大部分这时候谈及小狗 , 他们单厢用「他」或「她」 。
Okay, question number two: What is pet hair called?
好了 , 第三个难题:鸟类的绒毛用英语怎么说?
Do you know the answer to this one, Gizmo?
你晓得标准答案吗 , Gizmo?
It is called fur.
称作毛 。
F-u-r, fur.
F-u-r , 毛 。
As you can see, Gizmo has a lot of fur.
就像你看到的 , Gizmo有很多毛 。
We use the word " fur" when were talking about cat hair, dog hair, hamster hair.
当他们谈及狗、猫、仓鼠的绒毛 , 单厢用「fur」 。
Its what we call fur.
这就是他们对毛的称呼 。
Okay, our next question: What are pet hands called?
OK , 下个难题:小狗的手要怎么讲?
Okay, lets show Gizmos off.
他们给Gizmo一个展现的机会 。
So Gizmo, what is this called?
Gizmo , 这要怎么讲?
This is a paw.
这是爪 。
So, dogs and cats have paws.
狗和猫都有爪 。
Im just going to put Gizmo down for a second.
我先把Gizmo放下来 。
There you go.
走吧 。
Okay, so his hands are called paws.
好的 , 因而他的手叫做爪子 。
Okay, our next question: What does " canine" mean?
下一个难题: 「canine」 是甚么意思?
" Canine" is another way to say " dog" , but " canine" is more scientific sounding.
「犬」是「狗」的另一种称呼 , 但「犬」听起来比较科学 。
So if youre reading a science book or something thats formal writing, you will probably see the word " canine" .
因而当你在读科学书籍或者有关的正式书写文件 , 你很有可能会看到「犬」这个词 。
Its the science. . .
Scientific word for dog.
是狗在科学界的用词 。
We also have the word " puppy" .
他们还有一个词是「puppy」 。
What does the word " puppy" mean?
" Puppy" means a baby dog.
「小狗」指的就是狗宝宝 。
So, when a dog is very small and very young, usually around, you know, two months to one year, we call it a puppy.
当狗还很幼小很年轻 , 一般来说大概是两个月到一岁大 , 他们会称之为小小狗 。
For kittens, thats what we call a baby cat, a kitten. Okay, our next question is a very good one: What sound does a dog make?
小猫则是他们对猫宝宝的称呼 , 小猫 。好的 , 他们的下一个难题很赞:狗会发出甚么声音?
Sounds are very cultural.
叫声是非常具有人文独特性的 。
In different cultures, animals make different sounds.
在不同的人文中 , 鸟类会有不同的叫声 。
For dogs, in English, dogs can either bark, they can say: " Woof woof" , or they can say: " Ruff ruff"
以狗来说 , 英语中 , 狗吠声能用「Woof woof」或者「Ruff ruff」来表示 。
Is this different than what dogs say in your language?
If youre wondering with cats or with, you know, all sorts of other animals, you can actually check out Ronnies video which covers a lot of these different animal sounds if youre interested.
假如你还想晓得猫咪或者其他鸟类的叫声 , 其实能去看看 Ronnie 的影片 , 有介绍各种不同的鸟类叫声 , 假如你有兴趣的话 。
Okay, finally, our last question for vocabulary: What do you call a dog with no home?
好的 , 最后 , 他们最后一个有关单词的难题:他们要怎么称呼没有家的小狗呢?
So a dog that lives in the streets.
就是住在街头上的狗 。
We call a dog with no home a stray dog, or we can also say a street dog.
他们称没有家的狗为 「stray dog」 , 或者 「street dog」 。
So we would say: " That dog has no owner. Hes without a family. Hes a stray dog" .
因而他们会说:“那只狗没有主人 , 他没有家人 , 他是一只流浪狗” 。
Or: " He is a street dog" .
或者“他是一只街头狗” 。
So now lets look at some grammar and pronunciation, and cultural tips about talking about dogs.
现在让他们来看许多语法和读音 , 还有许多有关小狗的人文用语 。
Okay, so our next question is a grammar question, and its a very important grammar question.
他们的下个难题是有关语法的 , 这个难题也非常重要 。
Okay, so let me hold Gizmo.
好的 , 让我抱起Gizmo 。
好了 。
So, Gizmo, you see these two things?
Gizmo , 看到这两个句子了吗?
" I like dog" , " I like dogs" .
「I like dog」 , 「I like dogs」 。
Do you know what the difference between these two sentences are?
Okay, well, let me tell you.
那么让我来告诉你 。
" I like dog" is very different than: " I like dogs" .
「I like dog」跟「I like dogs」一点都不一样 。
When you want to say you like dogs as in, you know, you think theyre really cute and, funny, and you enjoy them, you say: " I like dogs" with an " s" .
当你想表达讨厌狗 , 真的小狗很可爱 , 很有趣 , 你很喜爱牠们 , 你会说:「I like dogs」 , 加「s」 。
This is different from: " I like dog" with no " s" .
这跟没加「s」的「I like dog」不一样 。
If you say: " I like dog" it makes it sound like you like to eat dog.
假如你说:「I like dog」 , 这会听起来像是你讨厌吃狗肉 。
And this is true for a lot of animals.
而这对很多鸟类也是通用的 。
If we say: " I like chicken" , it means I like to eat chicken.
假如他们说:「I like chicken」 , 意思是你讨厌吃鸡肉 。
This is very different from: " I like chickens" , which means: " I think chickens are cute. I enjoy chickens, and I find them very interesting" .
这「I like chickens」非常不一样 , 「I like chickens」是:“我真的鸡很可爱 , 我讨厌鸡 , 它很有趣」” 。
Okay, so the next question is a pronunciation question, and that is: What is the pronunciation difference between " dogs" and " ducks" ?
下一个是读音难题 , 那就是:「dogs」和「ducks」的读音有何不同?
So a duck is an animal, you know, that says: " Quack quack" , at least in English it does, and a lot of students, when they say these words they pronounce them the same way.
鸭子是一种鸟类 , 牠们会发出「Quack quack」的声音 , 起码英语是这种诠释的 , 很多同学 , 当他们在说这些词的这时候就是用这种读音方式 。
So people dont know if youre talking about a dog or a duck.
因而别人会听不懂你在讲狗却是鸭 。
So, what is the difference in pronunciation?
那么 , 他们读音的差异是甚么?
Well, " dog" has a different vowel sound than " duck" .
「dog」相较于「duck」 , 有不同的元音读音 。
" Dog" is longer, we say: " dawg" .
「Dog」比较长 , 他们会说:「dawg」 。
Compare this to: " duck" , which is very short and a bit sharp.
比较一下读音很短促的「duck」 。
This is an " aw" sound: " dog" , versus " uh" : " duck" .
「dog」是发「aw」音 , 对上「duck」的「uh」音 。
So you notice the vowel sound here is short, whereas the vowel sound here is long.
因而你会注意到这里的元音发起来较短 , 然而这里的元音发起来较长 。
When we add and " s" to " dog" and an " s" to " duck" , we also have a different sound.
当他们把「dog」和「duck」后面加s , 也会产生不同的读音 。
In " dog" , because of the " g" , the " s" becomes a " zz" sound, as in a " z" .
「dog」 , 因为有「g」 , 「s」读音会变成「zz」就像「z」 。
So we say: " dawgz" .
因而他们会讲「dawgz」 。
You might not hear it, but theres a little bit of a " zz" sound at the end of that.
你可能听不到 , 但结尾的确有「zz」的音 。
" Dogs" .
「Dogs」 。
Now, this is different from " ducks" , which has a " ss" sound or an " s" sound.
而与「ducks」读音之间的差别 , 是ducks结尾的s发「ss」或者「s」音 。
So there is a pronunciation difference.
这就是读音上的差异 。
Say this one short with a " ss" sound, and this one is longer with a " zz" sound.
比较短的元音发「ss」音 , 比较长的元音则是发「zz」的音 。
Okay, great.
好的 , 很棒 。
So now lets look at some cultural questions about dogs.
现在他们再来看许多有关小狗的人文难题 。
Okay, so our next question: What do North Americans think of dogs?
好的 , 那么他们的下一个难题是:北美人对狗的看法是甚么?
And a lot of people in England think about dogs this way, and Australia.
很多英国人是怎么看待狗的 , 澳洲人对小狗又是怎么想 。
And this isnt everybody, but this is what a lot of the population think.
这不是每个人的看法 , 但这是大多数人所想的 。
What is their opinion on dogs?
Well, lets get Gizmo to help me out.
那么就让Gizmo帮我答疑 。
Gizmo, come here.
Gizmo , 过来 。
Okay, Im going to pick him up.
好的 , 我把他抱起来 。
Ah, here we go.
啊 , 就这种 。
好 。
So, in North American culture, dogs like Gizmo are often treated like family members.
在北美人文中 , 人们一般来说单厢视Gizmo这种狗为家庭成员 。
Some people even treat them as if they are their children, although this is not everybody, but they really do care about their dogs and they treat them like family.
有些人甚至会把它视为孩子 , 虽然不是每个人都这种 , 但他们真的很照顾他们的小狗 , 并且视他们为一家人 。
All right.
好 。
This is Gizmos first time on camera, so if hes a little nervous, hes never been on camera before.
这是Gizmo第一次上镜头 , 因而他有点紧张 , 他之前从没有上过镜 。
All right, lets look at the next question, small talk.
好 , 再来看下一个 , 闲聊热门话题 。
So, dogs are actually a really, really good. . .
Oh, you want down, buddy?
噢 , 你想下来吗 , 小伙计?
Okay, Ill put you down.
好了 , 我放你下来吧 。
抱歉啦 。
Okay, so dogs are actually really good topics for small talk.
狗其实非常适合成为聊天的热门话题 。
If you ever have a conversation with somebody and you see they have a dog, talking about their dog is a great thing to do.
假如你要跟其他人对话 , 又看到对方刚好有只狗 , 聊聊小狗就很不错 。
So if youre in the elevator or at the park and you just want to meet somebody, you can ask them about their dog.
因而假如你在电梯里或者公园 , 然后想认识好友 , 你能问问有关狗的热门话题 。
Here are some great questions, you can ask them:
" Whats your dogs name" ?
, " Whats his name" ?
" Is your dog a boy or a girl" ?
, " Is it a male or a female" ?
" How old is your dog" ?
" How long have you had your dog for" ?
Okay, so another really good question is: " What kind of dog do you have" ?
好了 , 然后还有另一个好难题:“你养的小狗品种是甚么”?
So in this case were asking about the type or the breed.
因而这种情况下 , 他们要针对小狗的类型和繁殖品种提难题 。
So there are many different breeds or types of dogs.
有很多不一样品种和类型的狗 。
There are Chihuahuas, there are German Shepherds, Poodles, you know, Dalmatians.
有吉娃娃 , 有德国牧羊犬、狮子狗 , 还有 , 斑点狗 。
There are tons of different types of dogs.
有非常非常多的不同品种的狗 。
Gizmo, in case youre wondering, is a Lhasa Apso-Papillion mix.
你可能会好奇Gizmo的品种 , 他是拉萨犬和蝴蝶犬的混种 。
Okay? Beautiful breed.
好吗?美丽的物种 。
And so people do like talking about this.
因而很多人是讨厌谈论这个的 。
You can ask them about their breed.
你能问他们小狗的品种 。
Are they mix?
Are they are purebred?
Which means they are only one kind of dog, like a Poodle.
纯种意思就是只保有一种类型的狗 , 象是狮子狗 。
And there is so many different questions you can ask about dogs, but its something people really love talking about.
还有很多不同各式各样有关小狗的难题能问 , 但品种是人们非常热衷的热门话题 。
So I highly recommend if you see a person who has a pet, its something thats a good thing to talk about.
因而我非常建议当你看到养小狗的人 , 能跟他聊一聊这不错的热门话题 。
Okay, so like I said, our pets are like our family, here.
好了 , 就如同我所说的 , 在这里他们的小狗就像家人一样 。
Oh, thank you, Gizmo, for that kiss.
噢 , Gizmo , 谢谢你的吻 。
So, one thing I wanted to say is that a lot of the times in North American culture youll actually see that dogs are indoor dogs.
我还有一件事想说 , 就是在北美人文中 , 你看到的大多数小狗其实都是家犬 。
Theyre not outside a lot.
他们不常待在外头 。
Theyre actually. . . They actually stay inside with us a lot.
其实他们……其实他们比较常待在室内 , 和他们在一起 。
Sometimes, you know, they sit on our couches, and for some people they even. . . Like might share, like, the same bed or they might sleep on the same bed that, you know, their owner has.
有这时候他们会坐在沙发上 , 对许多人而言甚至会……会分享他们的床 , 或者和主人睡在同张床上 。
One other cultural thing that you might notice if you ever come to Canada or North America, is that a lot of dogs actually wear clothes here.
当你到加拿大或美国时 , 你可能会注意到的人文 , 就是很多小狗其实单厢穿衣服 。
And Gizmo is also. . . He wears clothes, too, especially in the wintertime because it does get very cold.
Gizmo 也是……他也穿衣服 , 特别是在冬天 , 因为真的太冷了 。
So a lot of dogs have winter boots and winter jackets.
很多小狗会有冬季靴和冬季的外套 。
So if you come here, dont be surprised to see that.
因而假如你来到这里 , 不必惊讶 。
Sometimes people dress up their dogs for fun, other times its a necessity because it is very cold during the winter.
有这时候人们为了好玩帮狗穿衣 , 但其他时间则必须穿 , 因为这里冬天真的很冷 。
Okay, so Gizmo and I would like to thank you for watching.
OK , Gizmo和我谢谢你们的收看 。
You know, weve had a great time today I think.
我想 , 他们那时度过了一段愉快的时光 。
Isnt that right, Gizmo?
不是吗 , Gizmo?
Yeah, hes a bit sleepy now. Oh.
他现在有点想睡了 , 噢 。
好吧 。
So hes just going to say bye.
他要跟大家说拜拜喽 。
So we hope you subscribe to our channel, and we have a lot of other resources there.
希望大家订阅他们的频道 , 他们这里有很多资源 。
And if you come check out engVid at www. engvid. com, you can actually take a quiz on everything we learned today.
然后 , 假如来查看下 EngVid官网 , 就能对那时所学的内容做测试 。
All right?
So thank you, Gizmo, for your help today.
好了 , Gizmo , 那时谢谢你的协助 。
And I hope youve enjoyed this video.
而且我希望大家会讨厌这个音频 。
Until next time, take care.
【关于动物的趣味英语,关于宠物的趣味英语干货- 词汇、发音、文化】直到下次 , 再见啦 。
