1. The end has come.
2. This is where it all stops.
3. Everything comes to an end.
4. It's over now.
5. The final chapter has been written.
6. The journey has reached its conclusion.
7. This is the end of the line.
8. The curtain has closed on this story.
9. It's time to say goodbye.
10. The last page of the book has been turned.
11. This is the final act.
12. There is nothing left to do.
13. The end of an era has arrived.
14. The end of the roAD is here.
15. It's been a long journey, but it's over now.
16. The final whistle has blown.
17. This is where the story ends.
18. The last note of the song has been played.
19. It's time to move on.
20. It's the end of the chapter.
21. The end of the line is in sight.
22. The end of the tunnel is here.
23. It's the end of the rainbow.
24. The last chapter has been closed.
25. The end of the road has been reached.
26. This is the end of the tape.
27. This is the end of the storybook.
【一切到此为止的句子】28. This is where the story comes to a close.
29. The final credits have rolled.
30. This is where the journey ends.
31. The final bow has been taken.
32. It's time to bid farewell.
33. The last stroke of the brush has been made.
34. The final scene has been shot.
35. This is the end of the movIE.
36. It's the end of the cycle.
37. The end of the concert has arrived.
38. The last words have been spoken.
39. It's the end of the line for us.
40. The final act has ended.
41. This is where our journey ends.
42. This is the final reSUlt.
43. The final piece of the puzzle is in place.
44. It's the end of the game.
45. The last piece of the story has been told.
46. This is the end of the chapter.
47. We've reached the end of the marathon.
48. The final touch has been added.
49. The last chapter has been written.
50. We've come to the end of the line.
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