
1. "His hairline is receding faster than the polar icecaps."
2. "He's got a solar panel on his head."
3. "He's a bald eagle in the making."
4. "He's got a five-head instead of a forehead."
5. "He's got a forehead so big, it's like a drive-in movie theater."
6. "He's a member of the bald and beautiful club."
7. "He's got more scalp than hair."
8. "His hair is running away from his face faster than a kid from a dentist."
9. "He's got a smooth dome like a bowling ball."
10. "He's got a hairline that's playing hide and seek."
11. "He's got a bald spot so big, it could fit a small family of squirrels."
12. "He's got a head that makes Mr. Clean jealous."
13. "He's like a newborn baby, but without the hair."
14. "His hair is taking a vacation and forgot to come back."
15. "He's got a hairline that's been in recession longer than the economy."
16. "He's got a forehead that's trying to make up for lost time."
【形容秃顶的搞笑句子】17. "He's got a head that's smoother than a baby's bottom."
18. "He's got a hairline like the letter M."
19. "He's bald and beautiful like a bald eagle soaring through the sky."
20. "He's got a head that's as slick as a watermelon."
21. "He's got a hairline that's retreating faster than a soldier in a war."
22. "He's got a head that shines brighter than a diamond."
23. "He's got a hairline that's receding like the tide."
24. "He's got a forehead so big, it needs its own zip code."
25. "He's got a hairline that's more scared of his face than he is of spiders."
26. "He's got a head that's as smooth as a freshly polished car."
27. "He's got a hairline that's running away faster than a bank robber."
28. "He's got a head that's shinier than a new penny."
29. "He's bald and proud like a peacock showing off its feathers."
30. "He's got a hairline that's receding faster than technology is advancing."
31. "He's got a head that's so smooth, butter could slide off of it."
32. "He's got a hairline that's retreating more quickly than a fleeing bank robber."
33. "He's got a forehead that's bigger than a football field."
34. "He's got a head that's so polished, you could see your reflection in it."
35. "He's got a hairline that's receding faster than the earth's ice caps."
36. "He's got a head so smooth, it puts freshly windexed windows to shame."
37. "He's got a hairline that's giving up on life faster than a college dropout."
38. "He's got a head that's as slick as a freshly oiled machine."
39. "He's bald and majestic like a lion."
40. "He's got a hairline that's receding faster than a cheater running from their spouse."
41. "He's got a head that's so smooth, it's like a rock in a still lake."
42. "He's got a hairline that's pulling a disappearing act faster than a magician."
43. "He's got a forehead that's as big as a billboard."
44. "He's got a head that's as bald as a baby's bottom."
45. "He's got a hairline that's running away like a chicken escaping from its enclosure."
46. "He's got a head that's as shiny as a new penny."
47. "He's bald and proud like an eagle soaring through the sky."
48. "He's got a hairline that's retreating faster than a coward in battle."
49. "He's got a head that's as smooth as a marble statue."
50. "He's got a hairline that's making a run for it faster than a prisoner escaping from jail."
