
1. I've finally accepted that it's time to let go.
【彻底死心了放弃的句子】2. After so much pain, it's time to move on.
3. It's time to stop holding onto something that isn't there.
4. I accept that it's over, and it's time to heal.
5. I finally understand that I deserve better.
6. Letting go doesn't mean giving up, but rather accepting what is.
7. It's time to stop chasing a ghost and start living in the present.
8. I'm ready to let go of the past and embrace the future.
9. After all the tears and heartache, it's time to say goodbye.
10. Holding on is exhausting - it's time to release that burden.
11. I've decided to let go and trust that everything will work out.
12. Sometimes the bravest thing we can do is to walk away.
13. It's time to stop fighting for something that doesn't WANt to be fought for.
14. The only way to move forward is to let go of what's holding us back.
15. I'm choosing to be happy, even if it means letting go of something I once wanted.
16. Letting go allows us the space to grow and rediscover ourseLVes.
17. Holding on only prolongs the inevitable - it's time to accept what is.
18. It may hurt now, but letting go will bring peace in the long run.
19. Sometimes we have to lose something in order to gain something greater.
20. Letting go is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength and self-love.
21. I've learned that clinging to the past only blocks new opportunities from entering my life.
22. Letting go means making the conscious decision to no longer carry the weight of the past with us.
23. Giving up is not a defeat, it's simply accepting that it's time to move on.
24. There's beauty in the letting go - it shows that we're willing to trust the journey.
25. Letting go is the first step towards true healing and inner peace.
26. It's time to stop holding onto the memories and start creating new ones.
27. Holding on to something that's already gone only creates unnecessary suffering.
28. It's time to release the attachment and let life unfold naturally.
29. Sometimes the best thing to do is to walk away with grace and dignity.
30. Letting go takes courage, but it's worth it in the end.
31. The pain of holding on is greater than the pain of letting go.
32. We can't move forward while still holding onto what's behind us.
33. Sometimes the most loving thing we can do for ourselves is to let go.
34. Accepting that it's over is the first step towards finding closure.
35. It's time to stop living in the past and start embracing the present.
36. Letting go means freeing ourselves from the prison of the past.
37. Holding onto something that isn't meant to be only delays our own happiness.
38. Letting go is a process, but it's one that leads to growth and transformation.
39. We can't force what's not meant to be - it's time to release the resistance.
40. Sometimes the hardest part of letting go is trusting that it's the right decision.
41. Holding on to something that's no longer serving us only holds us back.
42. The future is filled with possibilities once we release what's no longer serving us.
43. Letting go means giving ourselves the gift of freedom.
44. It's time to stop fighting for something that's already gone.
45. Letting go means being open to new opportunities and experiences.
46. Holding on only prevents us from experiencing the present moment fully.
47. Letting go means trusting that the universe has something better in store.
48. Holding onto the past only limits our ability to grow and evolve.
49. Letting go means being kind to ourselves by releasing what no longer serves us.
50. It's time to let go and trust that a brighter future awaits.
