
1. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!
2. Goodbye, old year. Hello, new year. 与旧岁告别 , 迎接新年 。
3. May the new year brING you happiness and success. 愿新年带给你幸福和成功 。
4. Wishing you good fortune and well-being in the new year. 祝你新年好运和健康 。
5. Cheers to the new year! 为新年干杯!
6. May the new year be filled with joy and love. 愿新年充满快乐和爱 。
7. Here's to a prosperous and fulfilling new year. 祝你有一个繁荣和充实的新年 。
8. Happy Spring Festival! 新春快乐!
9. May your wishes come true this new year. 愿你新年的愿望都能实现 。
10. Cheers to a year filled with good luck and happiness. 为新的一年干杯 , 充满好运和幸福 。
11. May the new year bring you success in all of your endeavors. 祝你新年事业有成 。
12. Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year. 祝你新年快乐 , 万事如意 。
13. May the new year bring you peace and prosperity. 愿新年带给你平安和繁荣 。
14. Happy Lunar New Year! 恭喜发财 , 新年快乐!
15. Wishing you a year filled with health, wealth, and happiness. 祝你新年健康、富裕、快乐 。
16. May the new year bring you exciting new adventures and opportunities. 愿新年为你带来令人激动的新奇事物和机会 。
17. Here's to a year full of laughter and joy. 祝你笑口常开 , 快乐无边的新年 。
18. May the new year bring you closer to achieving your dreams. 愿新年让你更近一步实现梦想 。
19. Wishing you a year of growth and happiness. 祝你新年成长有佳 , 幸福安康 。
【过年了发朋友圈的句子】20. May your life be filled with love and blessings this new year. 愿你新年充满爱和祝福 。
21. Happy Chinese New Year! 恭贺新年!
22. Wishing you all the best this new year. 愿你新的一年万事如意 。
23. May all your efforts be rewarded in the new year. 愿你新年辛勤工作有所回报 。
24. Here's to a year of new beginnings and fresh starts. 祝你新的开端和新起点 。
25. May the new year bring you closer to your family and friends. 愿新年让你更亲近家人和朋友 。
26. Happy Year of the Ox! 恭喜发财 , 牛年吉祥!
27. Wishing you a year filled with memorable moments and special memories. 祝你拥有难忘的回忆和特别的时刻 。
28. May the new year bring you success in your personal and professional life. 愿新年带给你个人和职业生涯的成功 。
29. Cheers to a year of good health and happiness. 为新的一年干杯 , 健康和快乐无限 。
30. Wishing you a year of prosperity and abundance. 祝你新年获得繁荣和丰富 。
31. May the new year be your best year yet. 愿新年成为你最好的一年 。
32. Here's to a year of personal growth and self-improvement. 祝你成为更好的自己 。
33. May the new year bring you peace, joy, and contentment. 愿新年带给你平和、喜悦和满足 。
34. Happy Spring Festival and Year of the Ox! 新春快乐 , 牛年吉祥!
35. Wishing you a year filled with laughter, love, and endless possibilities. 祝你新年充满笑声、爱与无限可能 。
36. May the new year be a year of new opportunities and exciting adventures. 愿新年带给你新的机会和令人激动的冒险 。
37. Here's to a year of success, happiness, and personal fulfillment. 祝你成功、快乐和个人成就的新年 。
38. May the new year bring you closer to your goals and dreams. 愿新年让你更接近理想与梦想 。
39. Happy Lunar New Year, wishing you all the best in the year of the Ox. 恭贺新春 , 祝你在牛年万事顺利 。
40. Wishing you a year of positivity, growth, and prosperity. 祝你新年充满正能量、成长和繁荣 。
41. May the new year bring you closer to your loved ones and cherished memories. 愿新年让你更亲近你所爱和珍爱的回忆 。
42. Here's to a year of learning, adventure, and self-discovery. 祝你获得学习、冒险和自我探索的新年 。
43. May the new year bring you success, joy, and personal fulfillment. 愿新年带给你个人成就、喜悦和满足 。
44. Wishing you a year filled with peace, love, and happiness. 祝你新年充满平静、爱和快乐 。
45. Happy Lunar New Year, may the year of the Ox bring you good fortune and happiness. 恭喜发财 , 牛年吉祥如意 。
46. May the new year be a year of prosperity, abundance, and personal growth. 愿新年为你带来繁荣、丰富和个人成长 。
47. Here's to a year of new friendships, new experiences, and new beginnings. 祝你建立新的友谊、经历新的事物和新的开端的新年 。
48. May the new year bring you closer to your purpose and passion. 愿新年让你更接近你的目标和激情 。
49. Wishing you a year of success in all areas of your life. 祝你新年在生活的各个领域都有所成就 。
50. May the new year bring you endless possibilities and opportunities for growth. 愿新年为你带来无限的可能性和成长机会 。
