
Water culture cultivation of Euphorbia Millii is becoming increasingly popular among garden enthusiasts. While the plant grows equally well in soil, water culture can enhance its growth and make it an eye-catching decor. If you're a fan of this plant and want to grow it in water, then this article will guide you on how to do so.
Opt for a matured cutting
The best way to propagate Euphorbia Millii is by cutting a mature plant's stem. The cutting should be at least 4-inches long and not more than 6-inches. Also, it should preferably be a healthy and hardened stem, and cut at a 45-degree angle using clean and sharp shears. Once you have the cutting, remove the leaves from its lower end until about 1-2 inches from the bottom. There should be enough bark exposed to encourage root growth.
Clean the cutting
Before placing the cutting in a water vessel, you must clean it thoroughly with running water to get rid of any residue or dirt. Then, you can treat the lower end with a rooting hormone solution to boost root growth. However, this is not mandatory.
Choose the right pot and water
You should pick a clear vase or pot that's big enough to accommodate the cutting with some room to grow. The container also neeDS to have good drainage, and the water should be distilled, spring or rainwater, and neither be too cold nor too hot. The vase should have enough water to cover the bottom 1/3 of the cutting, and you should ensure that the cutting does not submerge entirely in the water at any time.
Change the water regularly
While proper light and temperature can enhance Euphorbia Millii's growth in water, changing the water regularly is the most important part of caring for this plant. The water should be replaced entirely every 10-15 days, and the container should be cleaned and sanitized before refilling it with clean water. If you notice cloudy or smelly water, then it's a sign that bacteria or fungi are forming, and you should change the water immediately.
Give the plant some sunshine
Euphorbia Millii needs sunlight to produce chlorophyll and grow healthy. Therefore, you should place the container in a well-lit area that receives a minimum of six hours of sunlight daily. Alternatively, you could also place the container under a grow light for an equal duration. However, the plant should not be placed under direct sunlight for an extended period as it could cAUse the water to evaporate too quickly, and the water level in the pot may become too low for the plant to grow.
In conclusion, Euphorbia Millii is a beautiful plant that can grow well in water culture. However, it requires special attention and care compared to traditional soil planting. By following the above stePS, you can grow and maintain your Euphorbia Millii at home or in your garden, and it will add a touch of green and beauty to your surroundings.
