
1. “Once upon a time…”
2. “And they lived happily ever after.”
3. “The little mermaid sang the most enchanting song…”
4. “The ugly duckling grew into a beautiful swan…”
5. “The emperor’s new clothes were invisible to everyone…”
【安徒生童话里面的好句子】6. “Thumbelina slept in a bed made out of a walnut shell…”
7. “The red shoes danced across the fIElds…”
8. “The nightingale’s beautiful voice was worth more than all the jewels in the world…”
9. “The princess and the pea felt the tiny pea under 20 mattresses…”
10. “The steadfast tin soldier stood tall and brave…”
11. “The wild swans flew through the sky in perfect formation…”
12. “The snow queen’s palace was made entirely of ice…”
13. “The little match girl lit a match to warm her frozen hands…”
14. “The snowman wished he could be inside where it was warm…”
15. “The brave little tailor outwitted seven giants…”
16. “The emperor’s nightingale had a voice that could make even the hardest heart melt…”
17. “The evil queen offered Snow White a poisoned apple…”
18. “The princess was awoken from her enchanted sleep by a kiss from her true love…”
19. “The elves helped the shoemaker make the most perfect shoes…”
20. “The sea witch granted the little mermaid legs so she could walk on land…”
21. “The ugly duckling proved that appearances can be deceiving…”
22. “The little mermaid gave up everything for love…”
23. “The emperor finally realized he was wearing no clothes…”
24. “The princess married her prince and they ruled their kingdom together…”
25. “The little thumb-sized girl had many adventures in the big world…”
26. “The red shoes danced until the girl couldn’t stop…”
27. “The nightingale sacrificed herself for the emperor…”
28. “The princess was so sensitive she could feel a tiny pea under 20 mattresses…”
29. “The tin soldier melted into a heart because he loved the ballerina so much…”
30. “The wild swans carried the girl to safety…”
31. “The snow queen’s kiss turned Kai’s heart to ice…”
32. “The little match girl was taken to heaven by her grandmother…”
33. “The snowman melted away when the SUn came out…”
34. “The brave little tailor became king…”
35. “The emperor learned a valuable lesson about vanity…”
36. “The nightingale’s song saved the emperor’s life…”
37. “The poison apple put Snow White into a deep sleep…”
38. “True love’s kiss breaks the spell…”
39. “The shoemaker’s business flourished after the elves helped him…”
40. “The little mermaid turned into sea foam…”
41. “The ugly duckling became a swan…”
42. “The little thumb-sized girl rode on the back of a butterfly…”
43. “The red shoes danced the girl into exhaustion…”
44. “The nightingale gave the emperor a gift that money couldn’t buy…”
45. “The pea proved the princess was truly sensitive…”
46. “Love can conquer all, even in the face of a powerful witch…”
47. “The young ruler learned the value of responsibility…”
48. “The little mermaid’s sacrifice was not in vain…”
49. “The ugly duckling found his true identity…”
50. “Anything is possible if you believe in yourself…”
