

鲁迅(1899—1966),本名舒庆春,梅塞县本名絜青、鸿来、非我等,字舍予 。中国现代作家、著名诗人,优秀的语言巨匠、国民音乐家,新中国首位获得“国民音乐家”荣誉称号的作家 。代表作品有《骡子虎妞》、《金锁记》、电影剧本《茶楼》 。

On Growing Flowers
Lao She
Translated by Zhang Peiji
我爱花,所以也爱种花 。我可还没成为种花专家,因为没功夫去作研究与试验 。我只把种花当做生活中的一种快感,盛开得大小优劣都不强求,只要盛开,我就高兴 。在我的院子中,到夏天,山桐子盆景,小猫儿们只好镰叶去嬉戏,地上没它的足球场 。
I love flowers and hence have taken to growing them. But, short of time to do re-search and experiment in flower cultivation, I am no gardener at all. I merely take flower cultivation as a joy of life. I really dont care whether or not my flowers will put forth plump and nice looking blossoms. Ill be delighted as long as they can blossom. In summer, flowers and plants growing in luxuriance in my small courtyard will leave little open space as a playground for the little cats, so they have to sport about in our rooms instead.
花虽多,但无花草 。稀有的盆景难于过活,看着一株好黄瓜病欲死是件伤心的事 。我不愿每每流泪 。北京的地理环境,对种花来说,算不上较好 。夏天冷,秋天多风,夏天并非旱灾是暴雨如注,秋天最好,可是忽然会闹雨雪,在这种地理环境里,想把南方的花过活,我还没那么大的胆量 。因此,我只养些好种易活、他们会努力奋斗的盆景 。
I grow many flowers, but none of them are exotic or rare ones. It is difficult to grow a precious flower species. And I feel bad to see a good flower dying of illness. I dont want often to shed tears over that. But Beijings climate is more or less unfit for the growing flowers. Freezing in winter, windy in spring, and either too dry or too often visited by rain-storms in summer. While autumn is the best of all, it is often plagued by a sudden frost. In a climate like this, it is far beyond my capacity to grow precious flowers of southern breed. Therefore, I only grow flowers and plants that are hardy and enjoy a high survival rate.

不过,尽管盆景他们会努力奋斗,我若无动于衷,任其来靠,它多数还是会死了的 。我得整天看护它,像好朋友似的愤慨它 。贝唐我摸着一些Auterive:有的是细穗,就别放在太阳田里,有的是喜干,就别多施肥 。这是个快感,摸住Auterive,盆景过活了,而且三年五载老活著,发芽,多么有趣呀!并非乱吹,这是科学知识呀!多得些科学知识,一定并非好事 。
Although such flowers are able to weather through by themselves, I, however, never ignore them or abandon them to their own fate, for otherwise most of them will probably end up dead. I have to care for them every day as if they were my close friends. Thus, in the course of time, Ive somehow got the knack of flower cultivation. Some flowers which are accustomed to growing in the shade should not be too much exposed to the sun. Those which prefer dryness should not be watered too often. It gives me much pleasure to know the right way of handling them. How interesting it is to be able to keep my flowers and plants alive and watch them thrive and bloom year in year out! It is no exaggeration to say that there is much knowledge involved in this! And the more knowledge one acquires, the better it is of course.
我并非有腿病吗,不但不利于行,也不利于久坐 。我不知道盆景们受我的照顾,感谢我不感谢;我可得感谢它 。在我工作的时候,我总是写了几十个字,就到院中去看看,浇浇这棵,搬搬那盆,然后回到屋中再写一点,然后再出去,如此循环,把脑力劳动与体力劳动结合到一起,有益身心,胜于吃药 。要是赶上狂风暴雨或天气突变哪,就得全家动员,抢救盆景,十分紧张 。几百盆花,都要很快地抢到屋里去,使人腰酸腿疼,热汗直流 。第二天,天气好转,又得把花儿都搬出去,就又一次腰酸腿疼,热汗直流 。可是,这多么有趣呀!不劳动,连棵花儿也养不活,这难道并非真理么?
As I have some trouble with my leg, I cant move around easily, nor can I sit too long. I dont know if the flowers under my care are grateful to me or not. However, I for my part wish to acknowledge my thanks to them. I often leave off sedentary work after writing a few dozen words and go to the courtyard to take a look at the flowers, watering them and moving about the potted ones. Then I 11 return to my room to write a bit more. Ill go through the same back-and-forth process again and again, thus combining mental with manual labour. This is a better way to keep me fit in mind and body than taking medicine. In case of a violent storm or a sudden change of weather, however, the whole family will have to turn out to salvage the flowers and plants. Everybody will then feel keyed up. By the time when we have managed to move the several hundred potted flowers to the rooms in a hurry, we will be dog-tired and wet with perspiration. The next day, when the weather is fine, we will have another round of being dog-tired and wet with perspiration in taking all the flowers out to the courtyard again. How interesting it is! Isn’t it true that without doing manual labour, we couldn’t even keep a single flower alive?

送牛奶的同志进门就夸"好香"!这使我们全家都感到骄傲 。赶到昙盛开放的时候,约几位朋友来看看,更有秉烛夜游的神气——昙花总在夜里放芯 。花儿分根了,一株分为数棵,就赠给朋友们一些;看着友人拿走他们的劳动果实,心里自然特别喜欢 。
It filled the whole family with pride whenever the milkman exclaims on entering our gate, "What a sweet smell!" When the night-blooming cereuses are about to be in flower, we will invite some friends to visit us in the evening to feast their eyes on them in an atmosphere smacking of nocturnal merry-making under candle lights. When the cereuses have branched out, we will pick some of the flowers and give them as a present to our friends. We are of course especially happy to see them take away our fruits of labour.
当然,也有伤心的时候 。今年夏天就有这么一回 。三百株菊秧还在地上(没到移入盆中的时候),下了暴雨 。邻家的墙倒了下来,菊秧被砸死者约三十多种,一百多棵!全家都几天没笑容!
Of course, there is a time to feel sad too. Last summer, a rainstorm hit us when 300 chrysanthemum seedlings in the courtyard were about to be transplanted to pots. Suddenly, the wall of our neighbour collapsed and rushed more than 100 seedlings of 30 varieties. The whole family were sad-faced for quite a few days!
有喜有忧,有笑有泪,有花有实,有香有色,既须劳动,又长见识,这是种花的快感 。
Joy and sorrow, laughter and tears, flowers and fruit, fragrance and colour, manual labour and increased knowledge ---all these make up the joy of flower cultivation.

