
1. The window was frosted like delicate lace, making the scene outside seem like a dream.
2. The raindrops splattered against the window like tiny bullets.
3. The window frame was chipped and worn, with peeling paint in shades of seafoam green and rust.
4. The sunlight poured throUGh the window, filling the room with warmth and light.
5. The window was set in a tall, stone wall, looking out over a vast expanse of green fields.
6. The glass in the window was warped and wavy like the surface of a lake, distorting the image outside.
7. The window was cracked and streaked with grime, making it difficult to see the world beyond.
8. The window was round and small, allowing only a narrow view of the world outside.
9. The window was covered in frost and ice, giving the impression of looking out into a winter wonderland.
10. The window was barred with ornate wrought iron, making it seem like a portal to another time.
11. The window was wide and expansive, framing a breathtaking view of snow-capped mountains.
12. The window was tinted so darkly that it was impossible to see anything on the other side.
13. The window was etched with intricate patterns and designs, casting intricate shadows across the room.
14. The window was set high in the wall, looking out over the tops of trees to the distant horizon.
15. The window was painted with bright red shutters, adding a splash of color and life to the old brick building.
16. The window was made of stained glass, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the room.
17. The window was covered in thick curtains, blocking out the world and casting the room into darkness.
18. The window was streaked with rain, as if the outside world was trying to push its way inside.
19. The window was fogged over with condensation, obscuring the view beyond.
20. The window was shaped like a diamond, giving a unique perspective on the world outside.
21. The window was set in a narrow, twisting alleyway, casting the room into shadow.
22. The window was hidden behind a tangle of ivy, as if guarding a secret.
23. The window was set beneath a pointed arch, lending a sense of grandeur and history to the room.
24. The window overlooked a busy street, filled with the bustle of pEOPle and traffic.
25. The window was rimmed with jagged shards of broken glass, a testament to the violence that had occurred there.
26. The window was set in a crumbling stone tower, overlooking a desolate landscape.
27. The window was simple and unadorned, like a portal to a different world.
28. The window was long and narrow, framing a view of the rolling hills beyond.
29. The window was set in an ancient castle wall, looking out over a moat filled with murky water.
30. The window was decorated with lace curtains, casting delicate patterns of light and shadow across the room.
31. The window was set in a wide bay, allowing for a broad view of the open ocean.
32. The window was grimy and neglected, a sign of neglect and decay.
33. The window was framed by thick stone walls, giving it a strong and secure feel.
34. The window was set in a high tower, offering a view that seemed to stretch to infinity.
35. The window was covered in a thick layer of frost, casting the world outside in an eerie, ghostly light.
36. The window was located in the roof, providing a unique perspective on the world below.
37. The window was set in an old-fashioned carriage house, adding a touch of nostaLGia to the scene.
38. The window was framed by delicate lace curtains, adding a touch of femininity to the room.
39. The window was set in a gabled roof, lending an old-world charm to the room.
40. The window was obscured by thick drapes, leaving the room in blackness.
41. The window was surrounded by a profusion of flowers, casting a sweet perfume throughout the room.
42. The window was located in a corner of the room, providing a view of two different angles of the world outside.
43. The window was cracked and warped, casting a distorted view of the world beyond.
44. The window was surrounded by elegant moldings, adding a touch of sophistication to the room.
45. The window was set in a high tower, looking out over a vast and empty plain.
46. The window was set in an opulent mansion, surrounded by lush gardens and fountains.
47. The window was set in an industrial building, overlooking the smokestacks and chimneys of the factory district.
48. The window was set in a cozy cottage, looking out over a peaceful, grassy meadow.
49. The window was covered in patterns of frost, making the view outside seem like a wintertime fairyland.
【描写窗户的句子】50. The window was dark and foreboding, as if something terrible lurked just beyond the glass.
