
1. "Bazinga!"
2. "Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Ball of Fur."
3. "Penny, Penny, Penny!"
4. "I'm not insane, my mother had me tested."
5. "Everything is better with Bluetooth."
6. "Knock, knock, knock, Penny!"
7. "I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested."
8. "Stairs, stairs, stairs, stairs..."
9. "You're in my spot."
10. "It's a trap, like the Death Star."
11. "I'm not a nerd, I'm a scIEntist."
12. "Sheldonopoly: The physics of fun."
13. "I cry because others are stupid and that makes me sad."
14. "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV."
15. "I am fully prepared to go into Mary Poppins mode."
16. "Anything can be solved with enough peer-reviewed research."
17. "I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell."
18. "Leonard, tell your roommate to stop geekin' out."
19. "Did you create an aLGorithm that can beat me at Words with Friends? If not, step off, bitch."
20. "I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right."
21. "Howard, I have a feeling you and Gemini are about to go on a collision course with destiny. But I'm okay with that."
22. "I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours."
23. "I don't need alcohol to have a good time. I need alcohol to have a great time."
24. "I'm not stubborn, I'm determined."
25. "Penny, I'm not crazy. My mother had me tested."
26. "I'm not insane. My mother had me tested."
27. "Gravity, it's not just a good idea, it's the law."
28. "I'm not insane, but I'm starting to believe the voices in my head."
29. "I'm not a fan of cheap thrills, Penny. I prefer expensive ones."
30. "I'm not a nerd, I'm smarter than everyone else."
31. "I'm not afraid of heights, I'm afraid of falling."
32. "I'm not a robot, I'm just very logical."
33. "I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist."
34. "I'm not a narcissist, I'm just brilliant."
35. "I'm not a narcissist, I'm simply the best."
36. "I'm not a narcissist, I'm just charismatic."
【生活大爆炸经典句子】37. "I'm not afraid of commitment, I'm afraid of settling."
38. "I'm not a nerd, I'm just enthusiastic about things others find boring."
39. "I'm not a recluse, I'm just very selective about who I spend time with."
40. "I'm not a germaphobe, I'm just cautious."
41. "I'm not a child, I'm just very mature for my age."
42. "I'm not lazy, I'm just conserving energy."
43. "I'm not a hypochondriac, I'm just very aware of my body."
44. "I'm not antisocial, I'm just introverted."
45. "I'm not a control freak, I just like things done my way."
46. "I'm not a bad friend, I'm just honest."
47. "I'm not impatient, I'm just efficient."
48. "I'm not unreasonable, I'm just passionate."
49. "I'm not a snob, I'm just high maintenance."
50. "I'm not a nerd, I'm a genius."
