1. FARewell 2020, you were a year of challenges and growth.
2. Goodbye 2020, it's time to leave the hardships behind.
3. 2021, we are ready for you and all the opportunities you bring.
4. As we say goodbye to 2020, let's remember the lessons we learned.
5. Farewell to the year that tested us in ways we never imagined.
6. Here's to leaving the past behind and embracing the new year with hope and positivity.
7. 2020, you gave us resilience, but it's time to move on.
8. Let's bid farewell to 2020 and welcome 2021 with open arms.
9. It's time to say goodbye to the old and hello to the new.
10. As we end this year, let's anticipate a brighter and better one ahead.
11. Farewell to a year that brought us tears and hope, and welcome to a new one filled with possibilities.
12. Goodbye 2020, may we never forget the lessons you taught us.
13. It's time to say adieu to a year that tested our mettle.
14. As we turn the page on 2020, let's look forward to a better tomorrow.
15. Wishing you a hAPpy New Year as we leave behind the rollercoaster that was 2020.
16. Let's bid goodbye to a year that changed everything and say hello to a new world.
17. 2020, you challenged us in ways we never imagined, but we made it through.
18. As we close this chapter and open a new one, let's embrace what's to come.
19. Farewell to a year that made us appreciate the little things in life.
20. Goodbye 2020, we're excited to see what 2021 has in store.
21. It's time to let go of the past and strive towards a brighter future.
22. May 2021 be a year of blessings and growth as we leave 2020 behind.
23. As we bid adieu to 2020, let's reflect on the challenges and blessings that came our way.
24. Let's say goodbye to a year that brought us closer to our loved ones.
25. It's time to wave goodbye to a year that will forever be etched in our memories.
26. 2020, you brought us together even when we were apart, but it's time to move on.
27. Here's to embracing the New Year with hope and determination.
28. Let's bid farewell to a year that taught us the value of time and health.
29. Goodbye 2020, we're ready to take on whatever 2021 has in store for us.
30. It's time to leave behind the chaos and embrace the calmness of a new year.
31. Farewell to a year that made us realize the importance of gratitude and resilience.
32. Let's wave goodbye to 2020 and say hello to a year filled with love and happiness.
33. It's time to leave behind the anxiety and welcome in a year of peace and prosperity.
34. As we say goodbye to a year that challenged us, let's look forward to a brighter future.
35. Here's to leaving the past behind and starting fresh in the New Year.
36. Farewell to a year that tested our limits and pushed us beyond our comfort zone.
37. Goodbye 2020, let's create a bright future filled with new memories and experiences.
38. It's time to say goodbye to a year of change and uncertAInty and welcome in a year of hope and stability.
39. As we wave goodbye to this year, let's look forward to a brighter and better tomorrow.
40. Let's bid farewell to a year that made us stronger and more resilient.
41. It's time to leave behind the struggles of the past and embrace the opportunities of the future.
42. May the New Year bring us all the joy and blessings we deserve as we say goodbye to 2020.
43. Here's to a new year filled with new possibilities, aspirations, and dreams.
44. Farewell 2020, it's time to move on to bigger and better things.
45. Let's say goodbye to the hurdles of 2020 and welcome in a year of prosperity and good health.
46. As we close the door on this year, let's look forward to new beginnings and endless possibilities.
47. It's time to let go of the past and embrace the bright future that awaits us.
48. Wishing you a happy New Year filled with hope, joy, and endless possibilities.
49. Let's bid adieu to a year that challenged us in unimaginable ways and welcome a year full of opportunities.
【告别2020迎接2021的句子】50. It's time to say goodbye to 2020 with a grateful heart and excitement for what's to come.
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