冬奥旨在带动3亿人参与冰雪运动 冬奥带动全民上冰雪

随着北京冬奥会的举办,中国冰雪运动的参与人数有了突飞猛进式的提升 。北京申冬奥过程中,中国正式向国际社会作出“带动三亿人参与冰雪运动”的承诺 。数据显示,从2015年北京申冬奥成功到2021年10月间,全国冰雪运动参与人数达到3.46亿人,居民参与率达24.56% 。
来源: 新华体育
国家体育总局宣传司司长涂晓东日前表示,中国“带动三亿人参与冰雪运动”目标的实现,是北京冬奥会给予全球冬季运动和奥林匹克运动最重要的遗产,可以说是2022年北京冬奥会的第一块“金牌” 。
Young speed skaters train at an ice rink in Qinhuangdao, Hebei province, on Feb 16, 2022. [Photo by Cai Jianxiong/for China Daily]
During its bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics, China made a commitment to the international community to "engage 300 million people in ice and snow activities", and recent statistics showed that the country has achieved this goal.
在申办2022冬奥会过程中,中国曾向国际社会作出“带动三亿人参与冰雪运动”的承诺 。最近的数据显示,中国已经实现了这个目标 。
The successful efforts to involve more than 300 million Chinese people in snow and ice activities is the most significant legacy of the Beijing Winter Olympics to global winter sports and the Olympic movement, said an official with the nation's top sports authority.
国家体育总局官员表示,中国成功实现带动三亿中国人参与冰雪运动的目标,是北京冬奥会给予全球冬季运动和奥林匹克运动最重要的遗产 。
Tu Xiaodong, director of the publicity department of the General Administration of Sport, said the commitment was made not only to showcase China's contribution to the Olympic movement, but also to meet the fitness needs of the entire population. "The realization of this goal was arguably the first 'gold medal' of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics," Tu said at a news conference on Thursday.
国家体育总局宣传司司长涂晓东2月17日在新闻发布会上称:“这个目标的实现,可以说是2022年北京冬奥会的第一块‘金牌’ 。”他指出,当初作出这一承诺不仅是为了展示中国为奥运所做的贡献,也是为了满足广大群众的健身需求 。
By January, over 346 million people have participated in winter sports since 2015, when Beijing was selected to host the event, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.
国家统计局的数据显示,自2015年北京获得冬奥会主办权以来,截至今年1月份已有逾3.46亿人参与了冰雪运动 。
The country has also greatly boosted investment in winter sports infrastructure, equipment manufacturing, tourism and winter sports education. The data showed that China now has 654 standard ice rinks, 803 indoor and outdoor ski resorts.
我国还大大增加了对冰雪运动基础设施、装备制造、冰雪旅游和冰雪运动教育的投入 。数据显示,现在全国已有654块标准冰场和803个室内外各类滑雪场 。
The number of snow and ice leisure tourism trips in 2020-21 snow season reached 230 million, generating income of over 390 billion yuan.
2021-2022雪季我国冰雪休闲旅游人次达到了2.3亿人次,冰雪休闲旅游收入超过了3900亿元 。
The general public has also shown increasing interest in winter sports.
广大群众对冰雪运动的兴趣也日益浓厚 。
Since November, nearly 3,000 mass events related to the Beijing Winter Olympics have been held across the country, involving more than 100 million participants.
自2021年11月份以来,全国各地共举办线上线下与冬奥相关的群众性赛事活动近3000场次,参与人数超过1亿人次 。
Driven by the Winter Olympics, winter tourism, equipment manufacturing, professional training, venue construction and operation have developed rapidly in recent years, yielding a more complete industrial chain.
【冬奥旨在带动3亿人参与冰雪运动 冬奥带动全民上冰雪】在北京冬奥会的带动下,我国冰雪旅游发展势头迅猛,装备制造增长迅速,专业培训、场地设施建设运营等产业不断壮大,冰雪产业链条不断完善 。
The boom in winter tourism has also given a boost to rural areas. Altay prefecture in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, for example, has taken advantage of its ice and snow tourist attractions, which helped the prefecture shake off poverty by March 2020.
冰雪运动的繁荣发展还推动了乡村振兴 。举个例子,新疆阿勒泰地区就通过打造冰雪旅游胜地,在2020年3月实现了贫困县摘帽 。
The country also independently developed some high-end winter sports equipment, including an innovative snow wax truck that waxes the skis of athletes to maintain performance.
我国还自主研制出了一批高端冰雪运动装备,包括为滑雪运动员提供雪板打蜡支持的新型雪蜡车 。
In recent years, China has explored new technologies and advanced simulated ice and snow, built portable ice rinks and introduced dryland curling and rollerskating to attract more people to winter sports. The popularity of winter sports has expanded from regions rich in ice and snow resources to the whole country and is not solely restricted to winter, Tu said.
近年来,我国积极运用新技术、新方法,大力推广仿真冰仿真雪等新技术,推广建设可移动冰场等简易场馆,推广普及旱地冰壶、滑轮等新项目,吸引更多群众接触冰雪运动 。涂晓东指出,冰雪运动参与人群从小众走向大众,参与空间从地区走向全国,参与时间从冬季变为全年 。
These measures have not only boosted the development of winter sports in China, but also provided solutions for other countries that do not have abundant ice and snow, he added.
他还表示,这些举措不仅推动了中国冰雪运动的发展,也为其他冰雪资源并不丰富的国家提供了可资借鉴的方案 。
