
引文是科学对话的一种方法,是作者认为对自己的研究“有用”的资料,但同时也表明,引文的含义不是简单的,它并不是许多人认为的那样只是“定量”的、“客观”的 。首先它是作者的“主观”判断,但有多少个作者有这样的“主观”判断,其引文的“数据”则是“客观”的 。
引文的内容,在文章中作观点使用时,可以不作解释、说明,但作为论据使用时,则必须加以适当的阐释,使其内容与自己表达的思想合拍、融会贯通起来,使其语气、格调与前后的文字甚至全文和谐一致 。而不可采取贴标签的方法,引文为引文,自述为自述,彼此界限分明,格格不入 。
一、 引文的格式
引文的格式可采用文中夹注、脚注和尾注的形式 。MLA和APA格式不采用脚注或尾注,而使用文中夹注的形式,MLA格式要求标明作者的姓和页数,它们之间没有逗号 。APA要求括号里标明作者姓名、出版日期,引文的其他信息可在参考文献中找到 。
1 文中夹注(Parenthetical Citation)
1)引文较短时,要用双引号括起来,引文与正文融为一体 。如果作者已在文中出现,注释中就不再列作者的名字 。
Hosenfeld found that unsuccessful readers could be taught the lexical strategies of successful readers, confirming Wenden’s observation that“ineffective learners are inactive learners. Their apparent inability to learn is, in fact, due to their not having an appropriate repertoire of learning strategies.”(1985:7)
2)当引文较长时(四行或超过四行),引文要另起一段,缩进五个空格,不用引号 。
Results supported the notion that learners can be taught to use more effective learning strategies:
Strategies training was successfully demonstrated in a natural teaching environment with second language listening and speaking tasks. This indicates that classroom instructions on learning strategies with integrative language skills can facilitate learning(O’Malley et al 1985a: 577).
3)多个作者在第二次被提到时可用第一个作者的姓加et al.
Finally, information type is based on contrasts such as concrete-abstract, static-dynamic, contextualized-decontextualized(Brown et al.1978).
4)引文是翻译材料时要注明最初出版时间和翻译时间 。
This is not a recent discovery. More than a hundred years ago, the neo-grammarians Hermann Osthoff and Karl Brugman described such a situation very well:
When serious attempts at upset are directed against a procedure that one is used to and with which one feels comfortable, one is always more readily stimulated to ward off the disturbance than to undertake a thorough revision and possible alteration of the accustomed procedure.
(Osthoff and Brugman 1878(1967):204)
2 脚注(Footnotes)
脚注写在该页最后一行下面数四行的位置 。如果该页有两个以上的.脚注,脚注之间需要隔行 。在正文中的引语(直接或间接)处的上方标上阿拉伯数字,脚注也标上相应的数字 。注释要包括作者姓名、书名、出版地、出版社、出版时间及页码 。
1. The materials used in the class consisted of two texts-a vocabulary building text and an advanced reading text-and the SRA Kit2
2. SRA Reading Laboratory is a set of materials for students in grades 9 to 12. The kit contains multilevel individualized learning materials focusing on reading and study skills.
3. 尾注(Endnotes)
尾注要另起一页,放在该章的最后一页,标上Notes,隔行打印 。引语处的上方要标上阿拉伯数字,尾注也同样标出相应的数字 。
