lost light南风港河边小屋在哪里( 四 )

第九十一封 我的你
Ninety-first of my you
第九十二封 从此你在我心里最温暖的地方
Ninety-second letters from you in my heart the most warm place
第九十三封 我会改掉不好的毛病
Ninety-third I will get rid of bad habits.
第九十四封 喜欢就像一阵风
Ninety-fourth like a gust of wind
第九十五封 因为在乎
Ninety-fifth letters because of care
第九十六封 喜欢你应该是我干过最棒的事
Ninety-sixth like you should be the best thing I've ever done.
第九十七封 陪你走到底只要你愿意
Ninety-seventh to accompany you to go in the end as long as you are willing to
第九十八封 情书是我抄的
The ninety-eighth love letter is my copy.
第九十九封 但我喜欢你是真的
Ninety-ninth but I like you to be true
第一百封 别再到处流浪 别在深夜买醉 别喝陌生人给的酒 也别牵别人的手
100th don't wander around in the middle of the night don't drink do not drink wine to strangers don't hold the hands of others
希望能帮助到你 , 望采纳!
