lost light南风港河边小屋在哪里( 二 )

Twenty-fourth gentle breeze, I like you
第二十五封 你总是能让我带着每天的晚安把梦做到最感动
The twenty-fifth seal you always let me with every day the night dream to do the most moving
第二十六封 你快乐所以我快乐我快乐都是你给的
Twenty-sixth you happy so I am happy I am happy you give
第二十七封 趁你还在
The twenty-seventh seal while you are still
第二十八封 对谁都三分钟热度 唯独你
Twenty-eighth letters to anyone who are three minutes heat only you
第二十九封 喜你为疾 药石无医
Twenty-ninth letters like you for medicine without doctor.
第三十封 如果你最后一贫如洗 我将是你最后的行李
If you are the last thirtieth letters as pour as a church mouse I will be your final baggage
第三十一封 就好像太阳不会放弃天空
The thirty-first seal is like the sun will not give up the sky
第三十二封 遇见你是所有故事的开始
The thirty-second meeting you are the beginning of the story.
第三十三封 我想顺着你的脚步 走向未来
Thirty-third letters I want to follow your footsteps to the future
第三十四封 以后去哪都把我给带上 我会很乖不给你添麻烦
Where to go after the thirty-fourth letters to my band I will be good not to trouble you
第三十五封 天和地和你一个都不能少
Thirty-fifth days and the earth and you can not be less
第三十六封 见到你我占有欲就超标林
Thirty-sixth to see you, I have to exceed the standard forest
第三十七封 我想每天都能见到你 毕竟我真的很粘人
Thirty-seventh, I want to see you every day, after all, I am really very sticky
第三十八封 酸涩皱眉与你共苦不算太差
Thirty-eighth you frown and sour bitter not too bad
第三十九封 眼睛好疼
Thirty-ninth eyes good pain
第四十封 你是雾是风我喜你依旧浓
Fortieth seals you are the fog is the wind I like you are still strong
第四十一封 陪我走走吧 趁天还没亮浓雾里还透着光
Forty-first to accompany me for a walk to take advantage of the day has not yet lit the fog in the
第四十二封 别在我离不开你的时候离开我
Forty-second don't leave me when I can't do without you
第四十三封 你是我口中最为骄傲的语气
Forty-third, you are the most proud of my mouth
第四十四封 街边的每个身影都像你
Forty-fourth street side of each figure are like you
第四十五封 我也憧憬过也怕后来没结果
Forty-fifth I also hope to have been afraid of later did not result
第四十六封 抓紧你的手走过我的朝朝暮暮
Forty-sixth letters to your hand through my every morning and evening
第四十七封 陪在身边才算拥有
Forty-seventh to accompany in the side to be considered to have
第四十八封 你别皱眉你最珍贵
The forty-eighth seal you do not frown, you are the most precious
第四十九封 尽我所能
The forty-ninth seal to the best of my energy
第五十封 你是前提你是例外
The fiftieth seal is the premise that you are an exception.
第五十一封 我有我自己你跟不跟我走
Fifty-first letters I have my own you and don't follow me go
第五十二封 好好的待在你身边是我唯一的心愿
Fifty-second good to be in your side is my only wish
第五十三封 我希望每次伸手你都在
Fifty-third letters I want to reach out to you every time
第五十四封 我任性也不是对所有人
Fifty-fourth, I am not a self willed all
第五十五封 如除我一人在你心 还多出一个人 瞒住我
The fifty-fifth seal, such as in addition to my one person in your heart also more than a person to hide me
