那么现在不用担心,呆呆子给大家总结了一份超全外贸询盘回复模板,这些都是我在外贸实践中用过并且获得高回复的话术 。且听我细说,小伙伴们可以收藏,万一下次遇到了直接在这里找 。
Hello ***! 首先打招呼 (这里不用dear 是因为hello比较生活化,给客人亲切感)
Thanks for your kind inquiry! (客套话)
Currently we have many stock of it for supply, which is widely used in (介绍产品使用范围和受欢迎程度 。)
Here is our quotation for your reference as follows:
Item: 产品名称
Unit price: $ 价格
Lead time:交货时间
Packaging: carton box //original packaging 包装方式
Shipping terms: by air with delivery time of 10-15 days
Shipping cost is $ including customs clearance and customs fees, door to door delivery in 8-10 days.发货方式和时间(一般客户喜欢送货上门服务)
Included parts: 商品包含的部分
All those products will be well balanced for your direct using.
Wish to have your feedback soon. 结尾
Best regards, 祝福
Daphne 落款人
(文字报价的话,通常我们会列出采购数量,单价,包装方式,运输方式,付款方式等 。还可以附上一些图片等,让客户看得比较明了)
这种个模板是针对意向不高,但是有需求的客户,如果遇见意向很高的客户,还可以同时报运费给他,但是我一般都会等客户回复了再报运费 。
Trust that this email will find you in good health/well
We're ***manufacturer in China with good quality and pretty competitive price. (先自报家门,表面优势,如果有证书就更好了 。)
Noticed you are in the market for..../We're glad to hear that you're on the market for..."/Noticed that you are inquiring ..........
(这些句式可以互换,一般我们都是看见客户的RFQ然后再去报价给客户,所以要表明你是从哪里知道客户的需求的,但是也不用太详细具体到哪个网站,这样说即让客户一眼看见自己的需求,也会让客户琢磨:我们是不是之前聊过,交易过,给客户会留下印象 。)
I am honored to introduce the same item you are looking for, here is more details as follows for your checking...... 下面附上一些细节图 或者参数内容之类的 。。。
We really hope to find a way to be on service of you! Attached some photos with technical info. for your reference. //the photos and detailed information of the product enclosed for your reference.(使用被动语态更简洁,符号外国人的表达习惯 。)
Samples will be sent to you for close inspection.
【外贸询盘回复技巧 史上最全的外贸询盘回复模板】Samples will be sent on request.
(一般客户下大订单之前都会需要先试试样本,然后才会下单 。这里样本可以免费提供或者收费,都是合理的,看个人情况 。你有钱你说了算 。)
Attached our e-catalogue for your reference!
Enclosed our e-catalogue for your review!
Please find the pictures with details in attachment.
Quotation sheet will be provided at once if needed.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.
Please let us know if you would like to take the matter further.
If we can be of any further help, please feel free to let us know.
Customers' inquiries are always meet with our careful attention.
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