万圣节风俗文化介绍英文 万圣节的节日风俗用英文来表示( 二 )

万圣节家家户户都会准备好糖果 , 等待小朋友敲门 。

如果你没有准备糖果 , 小朋友们会很失望 , 其他邻居也会觉得你不合群 。

Why trick or treat? 为什么要讨糖?

Halloween is very commercialized:万圣节是非常商业化的节日

Candy manufacturers make so much money on Halloween. They put a lot of marketing dollar behind it: 讨糖就是糖果、巧克力生产商想出来的点子 , 每年万圣节都会投入大笔市场费用、然后大赚一笔

Costume manufacturers too: 道具服商家也一样

Jack-o-lantern: 万圣节南瓜灯

Fun with pumpkins | 南瓜新玩法

Pick pumpkins in a pumpkin patch: 去南瓜地买南瓜

Carve them into jack-o’-lanterns: 雕刻成南瓜灯

Trump and Hillary jack-o-lanterns: 特朗普、希拉里南瓜灯

够胆量?去鬼屋|Haunted house tours

Haunted house: 鬼屋 , 注意不叫 “ghost house”

If a ghost lives somewhere, that place is haunted: haunted的意思就是闹鬼的

I went to New Orleans one year during Halloween, and they claimed to be the most haunted city in America: 有一年万圣节我正好在新奥尔良 , 那里号称是美国最诡异的城市

Do you believe in ghosts? 你相信有鬼吗?

It’s just a fun tradition: 很好玩儿的传统

Perhaps ghosts exist in a different dimension: 也许它们生存在另一个维度

Halloween in China | 万圣节在中国

Halloween wasn’t celebrated at all in China a few year ago.

前几年在中国 , 没人过万圣节

But now in Shanghai, Halloween is everywhere.

但现在在上海 , 万圣节也随处可见

Lots of preschools will throw parties for the kids.


Even convenience stores sell Halloween-themed items.


It's all commercialized.


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