表现英语behave behave是什么意思( 五 )

我知道我处于青春期,我的身体长得很快,我身上发生了变化,情绪变得很不稳定 。所以我学着去调节自己,适应这些变化 。我需要打开心扉,减少压力 。
十二. Afternoon Time
Today was Saturday.
Early in the morning, I woke up and stayed at home the whole morning to watch TV. After finishing my lunch, I had nothing to do, so I decided to call my friends out. I headed to the coffee shop which was near a square. There were a lot of people in the square. Some women were dancing and singing, while some men were taking the chess. I walked into the coffee shop and chose a table which was near the window, so that I could see the outside scenery. When my friends came, we talked happily and shared the things that happened during these days. Then all my pressure was relieved, I forgot about the annoyance on my study. At that moment, I was enjoying the time talking with my friends.
I had the great time this afternoon.
今天是星期六 。
一大早,我就起床了,整个上午,我都呆在家里看电视 。在吃完午饭后,我没有什么事情去做,因此我决定叫我的朋友们出去 。我前往一家广场附近的咖啡店 。广场里有很多人,一些女人在唱歌和跳舞,然而一些男人在下象棋 。我走进了咖啡店,选择了一张近窗口的桌子,这样我就能看到外面的风景 。当我的朋友们来了以后,我们聊得很愉快,分享了在这段时间发生的事情 。然后我所有的压力都得到了释放,我忘记了学习上的烦恼 。在那个时刻,我享受着和朋友们聊天的时光 。
今天下午我度过了愉快的时光 。

